I was talking to Amanda on the way into work this morning. I was telling her how I keep my nails painted all the time now in memory of her as I didn't understand the importance when she was here and would ask us to go get our nails done. I only saw it as a waste of money and didn't appreciate that it was the TIME that was important. I said no all the time to that. I was telling her how sorry I was for not understanding that and taking advantage of the time that I COULD HAVE spent with just the two of us. Right out of the blue, the John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt song came into my head and the next thing you know I'm singing it without really realizing what I was doing and then it made me laugh. I would periodically sing that to her just to get it stuck in her head and then I'd catch her singing it later in the day and I'd say, "Ha ha, it worked!" And she was like MOMMM! LOL I think she put that song in my head this morning to acknowledge what I was saying to her and accepting my apology.
A second thing that happened today was that my friend, Jean, kidnapped me today and after lunch we went to several thrift stores among other things and I had just said that if she saw a Barney or Baby Bop to let me know. As soon as I turned around right there on top of the stuffed animals was a Baby Bop! She was in good condition, too. So I bought her. First one I've seen since Greenville :-)
JJJS made me laugh! Good for her for getting you.