Some will not approve, and that's okay. I paid for a reading from a medium. I only submitted her picture, did not give a name, and only that she crossed over in 2013. This was done via email only. There were some names given that we aren't sure about, but Amanda had many "friends" that we didn't know about. Also, we aren't sure about the locket, but she does have a necklace that Tim gave her that we haven't found. Most that she said was only stuff that Tim and I knew, and/or the detective. This reading has given me such peace, and I'm grateful for it.
She crossed over in 2013. It's my daughter.
Sep 10 (5 days ago)
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ok will channel in brb =be right back ....
Ok here we go.....I see her sitting in a meadow it's so peaceful mom it's very peaceful and I love it here....I know your struggling but please don't ....she tells me you are very stressed out she says Amanda is here ???? who is Amanda? ....she wants you to know that nothing in the world would have stopped it this was going to happen sooner or later....Mom I m so relaxed here and so many others are here we sure have a lot of relations here family all over she is laughing but she says everyone is so peaceful and you can feel the love.....she is talking about a locket ? not sure if she had one or you have one with her photo in it...then she talks about tattoos did someone get a tattoo in her honor ? I m not finished yet she keeps fating in and out so bare with me
she says you know mom everything we learned or heard about heaven isn't like they say it's soooo much better....she is asking about the cat? did she had cats?
this happen so fast she says one day I was fine next day I was here ? I m not quite sure what has happen but I see a blow like bang crash or something is this what happen to her a car crash or something that she is showing me a blow ?
Her name is Amanda. The locket, I'm not sure. My husband gave her a special necklace but we can't find it. Tattoos YES!!! Multiple people did in her honor. She had a car crash back last August but that's not what killed her. Cat...YES. She had a cat, Molly, and she's still here with us.
she says mom I hear you talking to me sometimes you used to talk much more I want you to keep on talking to me please.....she is showing me a ring? was she married or was this a class ring she says loved it! when she was in school she said that some of the others would bully her and that was so hurtful to her she says I did not wanted to tell you some of the things they called me because I know it would hurt you's ok mom because I did not show them that it hurt me and after a while the yleft me alone....who is Sabrina? someone a female that starts with an S....I believe this female is one of her best friends....

Can she tell me anything about her death?
Ok her showing me a necklace looked to me like a locket is a sign that she locked it up someone took it and its in a safe place its locked up anyways this locket had her photo in ...did she had a boyfriend would he have her necklace ?
she is showing me something a drink went to sleep and here I m ....did she committed suite it was something she did ? I m getting mixed messages here ....who left her alone ? or left her ?
It was determined not to be a suicide. Was drugs and alcohol in her system. The people she was with left her alone in the room, but they told many lies. I want the truth about what happened.
she says mom I m fine trust me I had no pain nothing that I can even remember I m ok mom .....she says she heard you I believe she said she remember you screaming someone was screaming in the room ?
She says he gave me a drink....this is all I can remember I do remember they were laughing at me because I acted stupid they said she is not giving me a names ...wait she does Andrew or Andy Andrea ? karl ? who is karl I do not believe he was there
I screamed in the hospital waiting area. We are thinking of pursuing the investigation into her death. To get the two who left her alone and gave her the stuff. I just want justice for you baby, if it can be had.
she is now saying she did not feel a thing I believe she said this already since she fell asleep...she says for some reason she had difficulty breathing while she was sleeping ....she said her body was laying there and she saw herself floating over her body....Shelly I know this is probably going to shock you or hurt you but did you daughter get raped ? she is showing me the signals that she did she says he had very dark hair? now this might of not happen right there and then she might is even talking about her boyfriend remembering things you know thy jump from one this to another when they talk to us so bare with me please
A while back she told us she'd been raped. In 2012.
she just told me thank you mom knew all along I been giving her signs to look into ? she says thank you over and over again.....yes they left me alone this is why she kept saying they left me or someone left her alone .....
Did she realize she was dying? Did she call out for me or her Daddy?
ok she is remembering that .....she is trying to show you that she is really here and talking to me about this ..Shelly how long have you been a member in my group?
Only a few weeks.
She says she was way to relaxed she could not move her body she could not do anything
read and agreed to the rules, and watched the video. All under the crying angel. Submitted her picture, different one, of Amanda.
Please tell her we love her so much. We miss her every single day. You were our angel baby. Our gift from God. We can't wait to see you again. What color is her beloved stuffed animal?
Were they TRYING to kill her?
Ok I hope you like your reading so far ;-) she is a very nice girl ....the impression I get from her ....she wanted to be liked and while doing this she hung around the wrong people and this is what took her life...the bullying is correct she had low self esteem and she swore to herself she would never come back to earth again....she says it's so much better here ...she says mom don't take me wrong If I had to come back again you and dad are the only ones I would love to be born understood me dad was IS awesome he is my hero please tell him this ....I love you mom please tell dad the same I know he probably things your nuts for doing this but trust me mom many do this ...I was hoping you come and talk to me mom I really was ...
she says she does not know she did not even know they did this to her :-(
hey whats with the carebear ? rainbow ?
Ok, no, no Carebears.
I am supposed to tell you she is not alone here she is with others ...she also says she comes and goes she visits you all often especially when she hears your name ....she is a lovely girl remember this I tell everyone this ok …..Dear......make sure you have a journal beside you in bed. Write all your dreams down- short or long dreams...after so many dreams go through your journal read through your dreams the answer or message will be there. Also ....If you see, hear or smell something that remind you of your loved ones that crossed over at that same moment they are right there with you ok..... very important you do this ...I know some people say that they don't dream YES WE DO DREAM it's just due to the stress it is so overwhelming because of the loss of a child or spouse that it is hard to dream and let a lone relax.
did you buy her one when she was little she is talking about that
do you mean a Carebear? Yes, I bought her one long ago, Lucky (with a four-leafed clover on it's belly). But she had a stuffed animal that she slept with right up until she died.
I m sorry I keep asking about the favorite color of bear and she is showing me purple then puuufffff all the rainbow colors that is why I said care bear lol
her energy is running low would you like me to tell her anything else ???
Keep coming to see me in my dreams baby girl. Daddy, too!! I've written my dreams down in my blog. They have been so special. Does she remember any place she put her locket? Somewhere we can look for it.
she wont answer about the bear your looking for :-( sometimes spirits only tell us what we need to know and now what we want to know ....she says thank you for everything mom thank you for being you ,thank you for being the person that helped me to be who I m today I love you guys with all my heart please forgive me I should have listen to you all :(
ok her energy is getting really really low but she is showing me a little box? did she had this with her other jewelry she is making the movements like under like for you to look under ...she is in her bedroom and lifting her mattress....I wish I could keep her on talking but she is exhausted her energy....remember do not have a reading to close together this is what happens....however...she is exhausted because she was so exited to see you wanting to talk to her and she could finally tell you something and hoping this helped ......she is smiling and blowing you kisses just like she used to do when she was a small child..she says I feel great mom no pain and I m at peace ......she is smiling walking away....I lost connection :-(

Wow. Thank you for sharing this. Just WOW! Do you feel any differently now that you have had a little time?
ReplyDeleteJust a lot more peace...and dare I say there is just this lightness about my spirit since this. I feel much more at peace, but at the same time, all the more determined to find Ryan and Erika. We actually hired a PI on Friday. He knows my main objective is to have them adequately questioned to the satisfaction of the PI that what they get is the truth or as close to the truth as can be obtained about that night. I do think questioning Erika separately could be the key.
DeleteThat makes me feel a little better. Definitely need to find Ryan and Erika.